Aftercare for Rehab Centers
– For the Rehab Center that has a great in-patient program but wants to do more once they graduate
– For the Rehab Center that dreams of a great aftercare program but can never quite get to it
– Offers comprehensive programs to support long term sobriety after in-patient treatment
– Gives rehab centers the opportunity to lower their recidivism rates
– Gives rehab centers a built in aftercare program with no effort
– Offers added value to your already awesome in-patient program
– Helps families support their loved one once they graduate rehab and come back home
– Compliments 12-step programs
– Compliments Alanon and Co-da programs
– Compliments any established aftercare program
– Cost can be covered by some insurance programs
– Easy to use
– Extremely affordable to your clients
Check out the programs below!
To talk with Shawna about using her programs to compliment your rehab facility, please call 928-202-7538.